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Father's Voice To You And Through You by Dr Colin Lieberman
How would your life change if you could actually communicate back and forth with Father God? Would you actually spend time speaking and listening to Him? Would your life drastically take a turn in the right direction? Of course it would! The reason alot of us have problems spending time with Him is because we don't know how to recognize His voice. John 10:27 says, "My sheep hear My voice..." So, it's not about hearing Him, it's about recognizing Him when He speaks. Well, now you can recognize His voice every day! and enjoy the everlasting benefits of it.
How To Be Like Jesus by Dr Colin Lieberman
After mediating on the 2 Corinthians 8 for days at a time, God opened up certain verses to Dr Colin that illuminated a path of success in order to be like Jesus. From that time on Dr Colin has never been the same and you won't either. There is a path to walk that will bring freedom and grace to a specific area of your life. When you walk down this path, you walk like Jesus in his fullness. Let Dr Colin illuminate your way with this revelation on, "How To Be Like Jesus."
Sowing And Not Reaping by Dr Colin Lieberman
Have you sown and sown only to reap nothing but disappointment? Your not alone! There are thousands and thousands of people that have been sucked into this teaching only to come up short. This is because of many scriptures taken out of context leaving people in ruin. The only people that are getting rich are those that are preaching this message. Learn the truth about this teaching and what it really means to sow and reap. 
How To Draw Out Revelation by Dr Colin Lieberman
For years Dr Colin wanted the kind of revelation that opened up the Bible like you were there when people actually lived it. He had read books and heard tapes on the subject only to receive personal revelation which helped but never actually helped him understand the context which it was written. Dr Colin will help you understand this process of drawing out revelation so you too can experience the Bible like you were actually there. When you receive this kind of revelation there is no one that can talk you out of it because it was birthed on the inside of you by the Spirit of God. Get ready to start living The Bible!
Keys To The Prophetic by Dr Colin Lieberman
After having a supernatural encounter with God like that of the book of Acts, Dr Colin has expereinced the hard knocks of the prophetic. In this book He shares keys to help you in your prophetic journey so you to will experience such detailed accuracy. You will never read another book like this. Learn from an expereinced voice in the prophetic and let Dr Colin reveal different ways he gets words of knowledge and discernment so you to can recognize when God speaks to you in such unusual ways.

Dr. Colin Lieberman

The Morning After by Dr Colin Lieberman
There were 1.32 million legal abortions in the United States in 1977. Imagine if only a fraction of these lives were birthed, how drastically our world could have changed the world as we know it? We could have the cure for cancer or the next big break in technology. How many of those aborted could have added value to this world and brought hope and joy to millions? In this book Dr. Colin and his wife Melissa share their personal stories of abortion from two different ends of the spectrum. You will be encouraged and realize you too have a purpose on this earth!
What Happened When You Were Born Again by Dr Colin Lieberman
At the moment you said, "Yes" to Jesus something happened on the inside of you but what was it? There has not been a good explaination as to what actually happened when you were born again, until now! Dr Colin will take you through the Greek and break down certain scriptures to give you a better understanding of this process we call being, "born again". After reading this book you will feel empowered and be ready to take on the world!

Dr. Colin Lieberman

Dr. Colin Lieberman

1 Samuel 3:10, "Now the Lord came and stood and called as at other times, “Samuel! Samuel!” And Samuel answered, “Speak, for Your servant hears.”


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